So I’ve been trying to get my game controller which I build using an Arduino micro. It has 4 potentiometers as analog inputs and 18 functions as digital inputs (on/off). Now I know there’s a plug in UE4Duino but since I am using this micro which by defaults gets recognized as a M/B-Controller unit just like any other game controllers I though this will work just fine.
To my surprise all the button function works just fine but the potentiometers are not responding. I’ve tried calibrating, Raw Input Plugin is enabled but cant get the potentiometers to read.
Does the device show up in the “Game Controllers” control panel? (You may need to press windows key, and type “game controllers” to find it to open it.)
Can you download some kind of “joystick tester” program, and see whether the potentiometers show up in that program?
If it shows up as a game controller, then it should also be possible to use/map in Unreal.
Yea it does show up as game controller also I used x360 and windows default game controller option to see if it’s working as well as hooking up this into other games like forza and binding it to accelerate to see if it works and it does work.
But like how does Arduino work in unreal?
Any other controller I use just requires me to map the buttons to axis and input settings respectively but not Arduino even tho. I am using it with joystick library.
As far as I am understanding this, trying to use Arduino without joystick library will require me to use a plugin for Arduino in unreal engine to get the engine to read COM port from Arduino but this shouldn’t be the case if I use joystick library because unreal should recognise it as genericUSBdevice like it does with Logitech steering wheel and stuff.