Does UE5 allow to set a default folder for marketplace content?

As the title says, is there a way to define a path where UE5 downloads the marketplace content to and keeps it updated?

Back in UE4 there apparently was no such option, so you could either copy the new content to wherever you want in your project and live without updates or you could get the updates and live with a somewhat messy folder structure…

The default location for all downloaded marketplace content can be found if you open the Epic Games launcher, go to settings and click the Edit Vault Cache Location.

If you mean the specific content that is downloaded to your specific project, then I don’t believe that. If I remember correctly, the content needs to be imported in the specific path for the engine to showcase it to you in the content browser.

However, once the content has been added and the game is launched, you can most likely move it to whatever location you wish.

Thank you for your reply. I was indeed referring to the content within a specific project. The issue with moving them after they have been downloaded is, that the engine won’t be able to update the package/content anymore (or not that I would be aware of).

Hmm, I see… As far as my knowledge goes within this area, content installed the first time needs to be in the intended folder from the creator. Also, since I have a product on the marketplace they more or less force us to put everything into a single folder in the project content folder.

I tried to install a shader for one of my projects by copy and pasting the .uasset files into a different location than it was from before. The engine wouldn’t recognize it at all until I recreated the previous directory path the file had.

If you open a .uasset with notepad, you can see that some information isn’t encrypted. You could for fun try to change the actual paths in there to correspond to the location you want them to be placed in, which in the end could be a solution if you automate the process. However, this is a long stretch and sounds like a lot of job to just get your folders in order.


What’s interesting is mine is set to the default on C and the textures where saved to a different folder. Any thoughts?