Does UE4 support Active Ragdoll?

Just change the values of the ragdoll profile and you’ll get very similar results.

You won’t be able to get it to stand back up on it’s own, but that’s where your coding comes in. Increase the rigidity of the profile and it will actually appear to get back up somewhat naturally - even if there’s nothing natural at all about either video.

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thanks! so if it’s very difficult to make the NPC stand up again automaticlly?
an easier and normal solution is like ALS ?
Ragdoll blending at 3:22
Seamless get up animations at 3:25

i download ALS v4, and will go and find these features in V4.
do you know is it possible to use ALS for game dev? I saw other friend ask that if can change the charactor, these is no animation file, etc…

thanks a lot!–3wP-F8
4:51, does it use a stand up animation after pure ragdoll lying down?

1:00, react differently when hit by different force, struggle but still can stand or lie down.
is this kind of effect need more Animation such like struggle move backward but still can stand.
this is the normal solution for games? whether use struggle but can still stand Animation or use lie down Animation to some angel eg.45 degree then turn off animation & turn on Ragdoll.
as for the stand up, it will be all up to stand-up Animation? and I saw in some blog, it maybe need to repose while lying down if the pose is to weird, so it need a re-pose process before play stand-up Animation.

0:09, self-balance make it stand up.
4:00, npc lie down after 2 or 3 shot.
in this video, what’s the difference inside between this active rogdoll and animation? the active ragdoll still need to walk and run, right? what’s it driven by?

please have look at this topic, thanks

please have look at this topic, thanks

The software in this video was discontinued, probably because of the low demand (it was only used in a small number of games). Doing this kind of stuff is hard, so to be able to replicate this, you have to learn about the human body in general and understand physics, balance, etc. I would recommend sticking to the simpler stuff for your case.

An angular constraint is used to hold it upright, and I’m guessing forces are being applied to make it walk, but it could also be the friction from the feet as well; I don’t know, so you’ll have to ask the creator of that.

i watched this video, but i think this is not what i want, eg.go up the stairs & fall down from the upper 2nd floor. The effect is quite different from the Active Ragdoll in those games. And there is a Capsule Component(CollisionCylinder) in the video, But i think these should not be a Capsule Component(CollisionCylinder) for the Active Ragdoll in those games.

You would just get rid of the capsule component: instead of using a character blueprint, use a pawn. The rest of it is the same; the physical animation applies animation to the ragdoll, which is what you want.
would you please take a look at this post? thanks!
I think the charactors in these games are PURE & WHOLE physics, right? the animations including walk, run, jump, etc, are some predifined direction and magnitude of certain Force, right? and if so, could UE4 made this kind of charactor by default? or should the UE4 source code should be modified? or UE4 is able to achieve very similar charactor using other built-in solution?

how to make a Torque driven active ragdoll using UE4?

Physics Animation in UE4 is animation driven active ragdoll.

However, these games use Torque driven or Force driven active ragdoll:

how to create charactor like the game “Party Animals” & “Human Fall Flat” & “Gang Beasts”?

There’s a bunch of tutorials on YouTube. I’ve never made a character like that, so I only know very little.

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it seems that this is a pure Ragdoll which has some angular constraint on some Joints, and every movement include walk and run are Force on it, right? and the result is it’s totoally Physics.
because it doesn’t seem like blending between Animation and Ragdoll…if it is this method, how? and as a simple question, blending and syn between Animation and Ragdoll every Tick?

is this a good way?


This is very similar to the physical animations video posted in the other thread, so UE4 basically already has it implemented, so just watch that video and you should be good.

ok, thanks. but that’s not exactly what i want. it’s just a demo and not these games

i watched this video, but i think this is not what i want, eg.go up the stairs & fall down from the upper 2nd floor. The effect is quite different from the Active Ragdoll in those games. And there is a Capsule Component(CollisionCylinder) in the video, But i think these should not be a Capsule Component(CollisionCylinder) for the Active Ragdoll in those games.