Does UDK remote works on Ipad1 with UE4?

Cause I just bought an Ipad1 and could I just use it to control the game on screen on UE4?

No, it’s not compatible with UE4

Actually it does. Unless iOS has a different remote for iPad and iPhone? I have been using it in both PIE and Mobile Preview on an iPhone.

So Darth,

I have yet to see anyone who has gotten this working with UE4 and you’re the only one who is saying it’s not compatible. Can you please help us navigate this…

and from an Epic Staff member:

There currently is not a Android version, but the iOS UDK Remote is supported by UE4 for Mobile development.

Nick Bullard | EngineQA | Epic Games Inc.

From the app page…
“UDK Remote allows you to quickly and easily test your mobile-focused Unreal Engine 3 or 4 gameplay directly on your development computer!”

I have it on the network, it finds my PC, you get the idea…

Please let us know what you may have found.

Thank you…

Hey, I just made a plugin for this. It will work both Android and iOS devices. Also it is working via USB connection or Wi-Fi connection. Just waiting for approval by Epic.

Also you can see your game screen on your mobile device!