Hence my: But as of yet I am unfamiliar with any ‘hooks’ you can put in your game (if they exist) that would allow it to see a ‘mod’ in a folder and either replace stock content or add new content.
Thanks for the answers, and
You can make zip releases on GitHub containing binaries only so nothing forces one to open up any game source code. Or you can go put out libraries together with the UE4 source code to enable linking new versions of a game, if thats suitable.
, sorry, but EULA still forbids bundling the editor with your game:
Section 1.a, https://www.unrealengine./eula
So yeah, still not moddable.
Please read what we discussed above And well is the owner, so, if he says it so and so, it just is.
Hi Darkhog,
Section 1.a. of the EULA forbids the distribution of Engine tools to end users. However, section 1.b. allows modified source code and Engine tools to be distributed to other licensees. gives you the option of providing modding tools with your game as long as the person doing the modding has an Unreal Engine 4 account. is why the EULA has been updated to specify that any modding tools be released through the Marketplace, or via a fork of the Unreal Engine source code on GitHub.
Still, I don’t know why it is still there, since getting Unreal is now basically free. I’ve understood why it was here when Unreal was sub-based (to protect revenue), but now it seems to me like nothing more than an artifact. Probably one of the reasons Goat Simulator is still on UE3 as well. As for my game, it will be all blueprints/unrealscript anyway as I’m not big fan of C++ (I cannot C well so I stick to simpler languages that makes very hard to get a segfault). Also, when we’ll get new Jazz Jackrabbit game?
Also I may still get in trouble if I provide engine, then will tell people how to get an account. I want do what GoatSim is doing - providing editor so people may do their own levels and whatsnot. Also I am a total n00b coming from Unity and don’t know how to put together tools so I can properly adhere to 1.b. I don’t want to get in trouble with your legal team, that’s all.
I love the idea of being able to tell my users that they can go download UE4 for free and go to town modding the game.
I do agree though that it would be nice to have a pre-made middle ground from Epic that would basically remove a few of the options to reduce confusion when modding. Others mentioned the UT editor doesn’t have a “Create Project” option. Things like that. Hopefully the work in UT comes back to UE4 main branch in a few useful ways.
You could make a separate engine as a level editor and have those saved as preview able media and media and have them emailed to you and in a update you could add what designs for maps and items and media your interested in using all you would have to do is create the media, tell the user who submitted if it’s possible or accepted or when it will be added, i.e. A online game for example. Provided that does not conflict with the EULA which it would hope not.
Falconsoft, too much hassle. As I’ve said, I want to switch precisely because not having to make a level editor. Also I want people to be able to download maps no matter how bad or good they are.
@, exactly something like that, so we can bundle Unrealed with our games, just like Goat Simulator is doing (running on UE3).
been asking for for many months, so I cannot stress idea enough
if you’ve ever open other people’s projects you’ll know how hard it is to read blueprints/code you have no idea about. downloading and setting up the project in the right way might also be hard for people that just want to make some levels/weapons/etc
a simplified version would get rid of all the confusion for modders, and it would also potentially limit what the game authors don’t want modders to be able to touch
Well, I want modders to be able to do total conversion mod if they so please, though I agree that things like “create project” could be removed. I’m also not a big fan of C++ (too much of SIGSEGV experience) so I can’t do it myself, even despite of source availability. Plus, as I’ve said, main thing stopping me from switching is the EULA, section 1.a in particular - -wise UE4 is just better than Unity.
To be honest, I’ve actually considered buying UE4 license back when it was sub-based. The only thing that stopped me was the aforementioned 1.a section. I’ve understood why it was here though, to protect Epic’s revenue stream. Now it seems it’s just a relic of the past, an artifact.
The main difference between sections 1.a. and 1.b. is whether the end user of your game also has an Unreal Engine 4 account. 1.a. applies to general users without a UE4 account, and 1.b. applies to users that do have a UE4 account. If everyone falls into the 1.b. category (we can only wish!), then section 1.a. will be a completely moot point. By distributing any modding tools that you create for your game through the Marketplace or a fork of the source code on GitHub, you are able to make sure that the only users who have access to those tools are ones with a UE4 account. Unfortunately, as I mentioned before, I am not part of the legal team so I can’t really go in-depth with question. I am simply explaining based on my understanding of these sections of the EULA. For specific answers, it would be best to ask on the AnswerHub where our legal team can respond.
With regards to making the modding tools themselves, I do not know if that is something we will be working on soon. The Unreal Tournament Editor is actually a custom Editor that the UT development team created from the UE4 Editor. The Engine team didn’t work on it. Since modding tools are likely to be highly customized for any project using them, it is unlikely that we will be able to make anything more than a bare framework for creating those tools.
So I can’t do that, do I?
I basically want to do what Goat Simulator is doing - provide a game and then let users mod it, with new maps, etc. Even total conversion if they so desire.
Darkhog, it’s pretty simple. You can’t copypaste whole editor code made by Epic into your project and then use it for your game under your own license. is seems pretty justified to me. If you want your players to have ability to use UE4 to add new maps, conversions and etc - you can allow it, but modders should register their UE4 accounts. Also you’re allowed to modify owned by Epic engine to your needs and distribute it through github or again - marketplace, allowing users to modify your game however you want, under your license.
Also I really don’t get why absence of UE4 account registration is major point for you, if you are going to distribute pure Epic code, not yours.
Seems pretty easy to let those that want to mod any game you make, that they need to register with UE4 and download it. Then they can mod until their fingers fall off. is not exactly a massive inconvenience.
And who manages to mod a game should be able to manage registering for access and hook up with github If the latter isn’t true, the first probably isn’t either.
You didn’t understand, I DON’T know how to setup my game for modding so users can just plop in mod and play it (not mod the game, just download and play a mod or map), without doing it the way Goat Simulator is doing it. Which is illegal under new EULA.
I would not want the players of my game to be forced to create a UE4 account. Creating the first map should take no longer than about 5 minutes. Clicking on “Map Editor” in the menu, placing some stuff, setting mission objectives, saving, done. They should not care about what is an Engine, what exactly is Unreal Engine, how to create an Account, how to use UE4, and so on. That’s just nothing I want my modders to care about. Because is deterring 90% of the players who want to create a map, taking so much expense is just not worth it.
It is not illegal. You let your players download UE4 from Epic’s domain. Then you setup in place a way to let your players mod the game using UE4Editor; You either give the players full source code access of your game or you setup some system based on the new DLC experimental which is still lacking documentation.