If not in one object, what about if it were in the blueprint of a thousand objects in the scene?
Yes it will. Any node will affect performance. But at the end of the day you need logic in your game.
Try to avoid using event tick as much as possible. Especially if there are many instances using it. You’re way better off trying to have events triggered at particular times. They are very few cases where you really need to use Event Tick, let alone on many objects.
Alright thanks. Related question, is there a way to add a constant force to an object without event tick? I’m trying to get physics objects to go from static to slowly floating up into the air.
Add Force: forces are accumulated each tick and applied together so multiple calls to this function will accumulate.
Otherwise use Add Impulse.
movement components and scene components with physics enabled both use tick in C++. movement and physics are the type of code that requires the use of tick, which is why its more efficient to handle these functions in C++.
you can use a projectile movement component to make an actor fly, but don’t be afraid to build your own movement code on tick with blueprints… it may not be as efficient as c++, but its still not a problem unless you have a ton of these actors.
Yes projectile component is a good idea actually.