Does the use of multiple Event tick in one BP harm optimization?

I use a lot of connected events connected to the Event tick, in my BP, the number of such events reaches 12 pieces, I have a question how can this affect performance?

It totally depends what you’ve connected there.

I could show you things I’ve connected to tick that look horrendous, but have very little effect on the frame rate.

That’s one very good way to tell if you’re troubling things with tick. The frame rate. Does the frame rate go up when you disconnect it all? Or, does the frame rate have noticeable blips that go away when you disconnect it?

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I committed unspeakable atrocities on Tick, too. Just needed to get it out of the system. :innocent:

I use a lot of connected events connected to the Event tick

Do you need to execute that logic every frame? It’s a good habit to learn not to. Looping in BPs is slow, long loop on Tick can be devastating.



Double trouble!


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