Does the repetition of a call to the same texture relieve the UE5 engine?

Hello, I put on sale on the MarketPlace this product “Sci-Fi Starter Pack”. It contains interesting materials that allow you to superimpose 3 layers of textures in order to regulate the rate of dirt, rust and many other things. The scene of the pack uses only 16 materials and for 2 identical meshes the appearance can be different because the settings are different but they use the same textures. Exemple:

So I wanted to know if restricting the diversity of textures had a beneficial effect? Does it help the engine ? Or not at all? It’s a package primarily for film makers but can this technique be beneficial for real time in video games? Does it avoid the “famous StreamingPoolSize” to visit us? ^^ :sweat_smile:
Thanks in advance for your answer :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, it does help. The fewer textures you use, the more slowly you will use up your streaming pool.

In fact, I assume the author of this material wasn’t really going for economy in particular, more flexibility. But, it does have the side effect of saving memory.


I dont have too much experience in Unreal, but Im using a material that has this type of Dirt properties and makes my scene works a LOT slower.

Im using it for production, not for games. So Im working with the dirt properties “OFF” in the MASTER MATERIAL to manipulate all the instances, and turn it ON when im going to render to get the details.

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Thanks for your help, after creating my Sci-Fi High poly pack I actually noticed that I was no longer bothered with the streaming pool size since I added my smart materials. This is very handy. I’m thinking of adding a Mask with the ambient occlusion so that the layers follow the edges. Thanks, have a nice day

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Merci pour votre aide

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