Does the Get Random Point in Radius node really work?

Can anyone confirm that this node actually works? I connect the origin vector and the radius float, doesn’t seem to work for me. Really lost here since the documentation doesn’t really help much. Thanks in advance.

Can you post your BP? I’m using it several places and it seems to work well.

This is how I am connecting it, and doesn’t seem to work. Prints out 0’s on all axes.

Try this. I had to use this to get results.


I am still having problems, it’s just printing out 0’s again. :confused:

Could you please replicate it the way I did it on your end?

Can someone else help please? Nothing is working, and there is really nowhere to look for help on the internet.

I tried your way Origami and got 0,0,0 results too. I don’t know what the purpose of get random point in radius is exactly, its listed under navigation so I’m thinking it needs the navpath data to do its work.

Couldn’t you simply use a random unit vector node and multiply it by a random float between 1 - 1000? like this

Thank you, this works just as I needed(if zero-ing out the Z, so it’s 2D), but what it does is it spawns excess of points in the middle, and then the border area lacks a lot. I’ve actually found just what I needed somewhere else on the internet, which I posted as an answer.

After searching the internet I actually found exactly what I needed, here: Creating random points in a circle - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central .
I suppose the RandomPointInRadius node actually has more to do with pathfinding and stuff, rather than what it actually sounds like. So far I can only “suppose” because of the lack of info I can get about nodes in the documentation.

In the link I’ve found, there’s this formula:
t = 2pirand(n,1);
r = R*sqrt(rand(n,1));
x = x0 + r.*cos(t);
y = y0 + r.*sin(t);

With this formula blueprinted, there is a uniform amount of points spawned inside the circle, and everything works just as I needed. Thanks elindell and Shoiko for trying to help, too!

From what object are you using this is it a character controller BP?

yeah you are correct, it’s definitely clumping in the middle in my example, I didn’t think if fully through, thanks for sharing your link :slight_smile:

No, it’s a simple blueprint. All I needed was getting a random location around one of the actor’s in the scene. For example, I have a tower in my scene, and I choose a random vector in the world around the tower at a given radius, and I can then do stuff with that vector, like shoot there, or spawn a trooper there, you know.