I am competing in a high school competition and would love to use UE4 paired up with our Oculus Rift. I looked through all the educational usage stuff on the UE4 website, but it seems like it all applies to colleges and universities. This seems kind of silly to me, high schools are schools too! UE is such a powerful tool, and being a poor high school kid, I don’t really have the money to pay for 6 months of subscription while the contest is going on. I couldn’t find an email so I figured I’d ask here, not entirely sure if it’s the right place but oh well.
Thanks for reading I guess,
Hey 004lazer,
While our offer for academic institutes to receive UE4 applies to colleges and universities, you are still able to take advantage of UE4 while you do not have an active subscription.
If cost is a concern, then I would suggest getting a subscription for just one month and then cancelling. You will only have to pay the $19 once, but you will be able to keep and use UE4 forever. You can even publish your games without re-subscribing (the 5% royalty still applies to sold products though). There is no need to pay every month unless you want updates and new content as it comes out.
Let me know if you have any questions.
The limitation is that accounts are made per user; meaning that a engine can only be use by the single purchaser. If you have a team, they will each need their own copy to develop on. Though all of your team can cancel their individual subscriptions and continue using the engine forever as well.
If you are on a tight budget, I would suggest getting the engine for anyone on your team that would be working with UE4 directly (ex. scripters, programmers, the level designer). Anyone who is just making models or painting textures on other programs do not necessarily need to develop in the engine and therefore could just pass assets to the developers with UE4.
I hope that helps you. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you so much! I am sure I can coax $20 out of the team! I hadn’t even thought about that. I guess I only have one concern though, if multiple people were to use the one piece of software, would that violate some licensing agreement? I know that for windows, and some other software stuff, they stipulate that only one person can be able to use it at a moment in time. Thanks a lot!