Does Switch on Name work for Enemy hitting Player?

My Enemy blueprint has a series of attacks that I set a name for each of them, so that my Player character could react to them based on the attack names. Each attack, when hit, causes a specific damage animation.

When I test it, and the enemies attack my player, I’m getting the “Access none” error when trying to reach my enemy’s blueprint to get the names.

-I tried using IsValid node on my Player’s blueprint on EventBeginPlay and it still didn’t work.

-Using the Switch on Name works fine for player hitting enemy, but it’s not working for enemy hitting player. Can somebody help me please? Thanks, in advance.

I’m a little unclear what’s going on here, but are you setting this?


and this bit wont work because the ref is empty:

Might be an idea to set the enemy ref here:

Thank you for the reply. How can I reference the enemy blueprint on the Event AnyDamage?
On EventBeginPlay, I tried filling the ref with Get Player Pawn to not leave the ref empty, but I’m still getting the same “Access none” error.

Like in the 3rd piccy.