Does someone have idea for fps hud

Does anyone have some fps hud ideas?

Start with a reticle, health, and ammo and go from there?

Looks good.

How about NO HUD! Incorporate 3D Indicators, etc in 3D on the Characters, Weapons, Buildings etc themselves. Also known as Diegetic UI Design. See this sweet article on Gamasutra.

+1 for no HUD but the player mutters under their breath how much ammo there’s left & how badly they need to wee.

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Deadspace did well here:

Health, shield (or powers - can’t recall), ammo. Neat. But then you open the inventory and it’s a clusterduck of weirdly aligned stuff:

Always found it jarring. And it would be harder to pull off in a non-SF scenario, ofc.

Suppose someone has already made a game mechanic out of that

Oxygen Not Included / The Sims handle voiding somewhat gracefully. It’s less graceful and more impactful in Oxygen, for sure. Doubt there’s a bodily function left unexplored.

How about a dedicated button where the player describes briefly (out of combat) how they’re doing.

  • 2 full clips, 1 half empty, 1 grenade, still got a medkit, my arm is healing but my feet hurt, need to pee a rest
  • add a pat down animation, a deep sigh & a grunt

Another idea, rather then telling the player what they’ve got, indicate what’s missing:

  • if you have no grenades and there’s one nearby to collect, pop an icon and play a bark; don’t if they’re full
  • explain this in the tutorial organically and it might as well become a second nature by the end of the game
  • you can always flash the inventory briefly when an item is picked up or show it on demand with a key, it stays hidden during action packed events / interactions
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