June 27, 2024, 1:03am
I could have sworn I tested this earlier today and it worked…
But for some reason it’s not anymore. I tried just about everything i could think of to make it work again.
The static mesh is just a static mesh actor (drag and dropped a static mesh into the game world)
‘self’ is a pawn.
Funny enough, if I flip it and try to make the static mesh actor the owner of the pawn, that seems to work just fine.
Does ‘Set Owner’ only work for pawns or something?
June 28, 2024, 4:09am
you’re setting the owner of the owner, try SetOwner/Get directly on the staticmesh
June 28, 2024, 5:46pm
That can’t be done, the set owner node is only available for actors, not components.
when you dragged a static mesh into the game world,it automaticly becomes an actor,no longer a mesh.
how did you get&set the “static mesh” variable in your pawn? is the variable an actor type?
June 28, 2024, 7:14pm
Physics Handle → Get Grabbed Component.
June 29, 2024, 4:43am
i imagine its because GetOwner is null, you could try GetParent which may be the actor itself but im just guessing right now.
otherwise as said in you other post its probably just better to make them actors anyway, i get that its a bit of work but will give you so much more flexibility especially if you want to expand on it in the future.
June 30, 2024, 1:36am
i just tried it again, literally exact same code as above, it’s using the same static mesh though that node is out of frame.
But yeah, it’s the exact same code besides the append node. It works now!
What the hell! Why didn’t it work before? I changed nothing!!
(Anyhow, this kinda makes the answer clear, setowner does work for static mesh actors)
July 30, 2024, 1:36am
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