Does ServerTravel no longer keeps Widgets on screen?

Does calling ServerTravel MapName no longer keeps the Widgets on the screen?

I downloaded UE 5.3 and created a basic project. “Map1” BeginPlay is just opening “Map2” with ?listen for options. On “Map2” BeginPlay I’m calling Create Widget and Add to Viewport (it only contains a fullscreen image white 0.5 alpha) then Execute Console Command with ServerTravel ThirdPersonMap. But when ThirdPersonMap is opened the widget I created is gone. I made sure Use Seamless Travel is checked and I set a map set for Transition Map.

I tried in editor, as a standalone and also shipped.

Also, when calling ServerTravel Map in editor, nothing should happen, but in my case the host and the clients they all are moved to the new map.

Here is a video with just one player inside the editor calling ServerTravel and moving me to the new map:

And here is a video where the host and the clients are moved:

I also did a test on this, and I found out that on Unreal Engine 5.0.3 if you call ServerTravel from editor it doesn’t do anything, but if you call it from standalone, then the host and the clients are transferred to the new map, not only that but the widgets remain on the screen.

But that isn’t the same on Unreal Engine 5.3.2. With this version when you call ServerTravel from editor it is working and everyone is transferred to the new map, but only this time all the widgets from the screen are removed. While being able to test straight from editor and not having to run the game as standalone is really nice, there is also the drawback that now widgets are automatically removed. I actually preferred to keep the widgets on the screen and remove them later. Maybe there is a setting to keep them but I haven’t found one yet. If anyone knows how to keep them, it would be nice if they let us know how!