Does Player Controller get destroyed?


When the game begins, the server on the game mode spawns each player controller to posses a pawn.

When the pawns health is below 0 or == to 0, I destroy the pawn by using the destroy actor node.

Does this destroy my custom player controller, because K is my respawn button.

When I press K (whilst my player is alive) I can debug print to screen,

After destroying actor, I press K and nothing happens.

How can I make sure my player controller doesn’t die .

Thank you.

After understanding the frame work, when a pawn actor gets destroyed the controller will not get destroyed.

One mistake I made many times was getting the controller of a destroyed pawn which resulted in NULL.

Is there a way then to somehow retrieve the controller? i have a problem that when a character falls of the world, he gets detroyed but i can not spawn a new since i dont have the controller.

Before the pawn gets destroyed, try calling a [Detach from Controller Pending Destroy] node.

what if i cant. for example if the actor gets destroyed by falling off the world.

Try using an event, maybe?

it is too late when the pawn is destroyed. or something else is going on. i tried exactly this solution.

Did any of you find a solution meanwhile? I am having the same issue right now.