HI does anybody know if TM scatter and paint create instances or copies on the items? This could have a huge impact on the size of the model?
Vegetation that is painted or scattered are instances (Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes to be exact) and are designed as such to increase rendering performance.
... although I seem to recall Scatter results in better performance than Paint.
I once did this as a test - about a thousand trees painted on a hundred square meter surface, compared to the same surface scattered with the same density of trees. The scattered version resulted in faster performance (and a smaller file size).
Nice idea indeed.
Some items on the agenda for a TM Tips & Tricks video...
How much memory overhead is taken by Scatter/ Paint if the terrain is huge? Should we do it in chunks?
What are the advantages/ disadvantages of OBJ/FBX/SKP file types?
What if my file is getting over 2Gb in size? Where to start optimizing?
What is the biggest burden on performance? Polygons/ Objects/ Texture resolution?
What is best practice if our CAD does not have Datasmith?
Why do too many items in the Media list take forever to regenerate?
Does having a complex Video with many keyframes impede performance?
Does running TM on a 4K monitor impede performance (if there are other 4K monitors on the GPU)?
Who in TM developers' view wins the Gaming/ Quadro GPU debate?
So much of this it trial and error, with experience often relied upon to find make-shift solutions - but some general guidelines from Epic would be really helpful. I hope your idea will gain some traction.
I've proposed a "Number count" (number of items), as well as "Size contribution" (bytes/ Mb) of items in the Scene graph. This would go a long way to identify the items that are unnecessarily heavy and are bogging down performance.
It would be nice if EPIC did a video on efficiency - how to manage the size of the model and what are the best structures for imported model s from products like Sketchup, Blender etc.