**Does "on component end overlap" has a bug?**

can some1 help? do you need more informations?

hello all,
I have a problem.

if test 3 overlapps hisself (a copy), it tells me 2 times “good” (first and second object “test3”)
and sometimes:

1st… 1 time “bad”

2nd… 2 times “bad”

3rd… only the 2 times “good”

i want it, that it does not say to me “bad” once or twice!

The “Sphere” is a little bit smaller then the “sphere1”.

does anyone can tell me how i can fix it without delet this thing or why it happens!?

im thankfully for all answers and sorry for my bad english :smiley:

Hello ksensenmann ,

Firstly you don’t need “Do Once”. Because already check it “Branch”.

thx for your support but it didnt change my problem… theoretical everything should work but in practice it does not work

thats how it looks if i use yours:

it tells me still twice bad…
i hope som1 else could help me with this problem… i think its maybe about the movement of this

Yeah, it’s kinda difficult to understand what you mean. From your name I assume you are from germany? Can you explain the problem in german for me? <3

Hey, ist tatsächlich etwas schwierig dir zu folgen. Wenn ich mir deinen Namen anschau, vermute ich du bist deutscher? Kannst du das Problem/ was du überhaupt vor hast vielleicht auf Deutsch erklären? <3

also nochmal auf deutsch:

ich habe 2 mal den actor “test 3”, die mich verfolgen und irgendwann berühren sie sich. wenn sie das tun, soll oben links 2 mal “good” stehen. das tut es auch, aber dann sollte danach nicht mehr “bad” stehen… das soll nur dann stehen, wenn ich etwas mache, was die beiden bälle auseinander bringt, was hier nicht der fall ist. trotzdem sagt er aus einem unerklärlichem grund “bad”.

das passiert nicht immer sofort beim testdurchlauf, es braucht öfter ein paar sekunden, bis es das "bad"anzeigt oder manchmal ruft er “bad” garnicht auf.

testet es ruhig selbst aus wenn es so leichter zu verstehen ist.

danke für die investierte Zeit. Falls es immer noch unverständlich ist, kann ich erklären was ich genau mit der sache vorhabe

Try create a component inside your actor and test if the components are overlapping, not the actor.

I had a similar problem, the overlap with happen multiple times because of the different components inside your actor.

I created a actor(like: BallCollision) and added it inside my other actor and I only check if that actor (that is a component) is overlapping.

hello!?! is this able to change it or do i have to live with this?
would happy for an answer

“on begin overlap” is for actors not for components i think.
The proplem here is about be the movement of my actor. It is only with this movement. if i do an “normal” movement it looks fine.

By the looks of things you are using two Test3 Actors in your level.

If that’s the case you are seeing good twice and bad twice because both actors print that string.

the problem is, that they have only this function on the screenshots and they wont apart. So if they wont apart he should not tell me bad or am i wrong?
im sure that the problem is on my movementfunction (Event tick)