I’m more on the art side of things, so I apologize for my ignorance.
I just downloaded the tappy bird sample, and it seems like everything is made from blueprints. I know that I could use C++ also to create the same exact thing, but this makes me wonder if there is any point in learning objective C or swift ?
Hi BrandonChui,
Tappy Chicken is meant to be a Blueprints example developed for mobile devices. It was made by one of our artists Shane Caudle. Video here
UE4 uses C++ and Blueprints for it’s coding.
If you’re up for learning Objective-C or Swift that would ultimately fall on you to decide, but having some knowledge of programming would greatly help you understand logic in Blueprints if you chose to use them.
If you have any questions feel free to ask here on the AnswerHub or take a look at our developers Forums for some good threads on Blueprint scripting and C++..
Thank you!