As long i load my Mod into my Server. I cant Levlup anymore. Does my Mod Override the Game.ini ? Do i have to set something up ?
Please Help cant find any Solution
As long i load my Mod into my Server. I cant Levlup anymore. Does my Mod Override the Game.ini ? Do i have to set something up ?
Please Help cant find any Solution
i have a coustom game.ini - with LvL Cap 200 and Higher Farm Rates. If i load in my Mod i just have Vanila Settings. Stats where decreased and i cant lvl up anymore.
Sounds like you may have a game mode referenced in the level file. Which you should not
Nope i do not set the GameMode in the LvL File, I just and the PrimalGameData in the LvL and the GameMode in the PimalGameData - Do i have to leave it black in the PrimalDate to ? Thats what i saw in a Tut that i have to set this up like this.
leave it with the default on the primal game data unless you are actually editing the gamemode