As far as i understand this clause, you are not allowed to use Engine Code at runtime. For example I need a Fbx-Parser at Runtime, but I am not allowed to use code from the Engine Fbx Loader: Runtime Model Loading
So I need to write my own one. I am not sure, what you need from the Engine Tools for your Game, but I hope this answer helps you a bit.
Thanks for the tip. To be precise, what I’m trying to do is letting players design level and spawn objects within the assets already included in the packaged game. I’m not gonna allow or encourage them to import any type of file. Do you think that’s gonna make a difference?
I would say that this is not a problem. As long as you not copy/paste Engine Code into your own Classes to get some functionality which was meant to only work in the UE4 Editor… (Like FBX Importer)
In this way I have understood the EULA.
But without guarantee
So I can speak only to the legal (rather than technical side), but you point out the correct provision in the EULA. You are allowed to have in-game level creation, but you’re not allowed to use code or modules from Developer or Editor folders to achieve it.