Does having unconnected nodes in a Blueprint affect performance?

I’ve done some very limited testing, as I haven’t really ramped up to super-complex BPs yet, & I’m not noticing a hit when I have big disconnected node graphs in running BPs. I wonder if anyone with more experience than me could chime in?

You might ask why I have big disconnected node graphs sitting in my BPs. Well, I’ll tell you: it’s when doing iterative testing, if I come across a need to change a graph I’ll keep the old stuff sitting around in case I need to revert, sort of a poor/lazy person’s version control :slight_smile:

should not while running a game but you might during opening for editing not sure about compiling but I’ve got some pretty crazy BP’s but the biggest time I see a performance issue from BP’s are when they are opening to edit. that being said I have not gone in the the engine source code to see what happens at what intervels to give you a solid answer this is just from personal experiance.

I know it’s an old post but I was trying to find out whether this is the case myself too, does anyone know? My assumption is yes, since unused blueprints and other assets increase package size even though they are not used anywhere in the game.


I’d like to know this!

To anyone wondering if this is true, yes, in my experience with some pretty hefty blueprints they are definitely cumbersome in the editor. My recommendation is to convert as much of your blueprints to functions or macros. You can do this by selecting the nodes you want to convert to a function and right-clicking on the selected nodes. You can then select “Collapse to Function.” Happy coding!