I’m afraid that individual frames of the flipbook do not have collision. You’ll have to add additional collision component on the BP object that contains the flipbook.
This is something that we’ve been asking to be fixed for quite some time since the method described above only works for flipbooks that do not change size during playback since all collision boxes are static within the blueprint.
Keep your fingers crossed, as i do mine, that they will add this as soon as possible because you cannot create any complex animations and have pixel perfect interactions with the current collision system they have for Paper2D.
So, in 4.5 you can add a socket to each sprite used as a frame, then when you make your actor, you can parent a collision component to the socket you defined (needs to be the same name in all frames. I just use “Collision”). With the sockets you can define position and scale (and even have it so that collision is disabled for that frame). The editing flow is not ideal, since you have to make each sprite, manually add the socket to each frame, then in your actor (with the flipbook component), you have to create and parent the collision shape. Completely doable, but it could definitely use a usability pass.
For me it would be impossible to even attempt something like this.I have 2500+ sprites and growing by the day.They need to finally give us flipbook collisions because these workarounds might work for some now, but down the line and as a project grows whoever uses them is going to have a bad time.Trust me on this.