Does Chaos Physics utilize Blast?

Question: Does/will Chaos use Blast? (Blast supports alternate back-ends other than PhysX)

I thought so until Epic Games clearly stated that they developed the new Chaos API by themselves. So it doesn’t seem to be a custom Blast version at all. And with Chaos I doubt they will officially add Nvidia Blast even when that will get the official first non-beta release.
That said the video previews of Chaos API have been outstanding so far. I hope UE 4.23 will let use the preview version of Chaos properly … stable enough to report bugs and start planning development and switching code and assets from the legacy PhysX.

Check the copyright of FChaosNiagaraModule - “Copyright (c) <2018> Side Effects Software Inc.”

Does it means this module was originally developed by team behind Houdini? :wink:

Sorry, you mean that in 4.23 Chos will be not ready for production?