Does anyone knows how to fix this?

Hello everyone, I actually been trying to make a portal effect with a tutorial I found on YouTube, but every time I try to connect the Add function to the Sphere masks, it keeps telling me the same error. ([SM6] (Node Add) Invalid input types: float2, float3) Does anyone knows how to fix this?

Provide Youtube link please.

I don’t see an obvious problem with your nodes. You may need to save and relaunch the editor.

I see. Anyway, thank you so much for answering :slight_smile:

very difficult to follow that video as he is going very fast. Also not able to check what you did because we cant see all of the nodes in your screenshot. If you are sure in the tutorial that when he accepted and saved the material and it had no errors, just double check that you followed all of the nodes exactly how it was done in the tutorial.

Good luck !

Hi! sorry for taking ages to answer hahaha. The answer was actually very simple/stupid instead of connectiong the RGB channel from the texture samples to the “add” box, I just connected the “R” channel and got fixed immediately. But thanks again to everyone for your help and guidance. :3

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