Does anyone how what Unrealscript Calls the specific BotName So I can access it In Kismet.
I think we’re going to need more detail. You want a reference to a bot in UnrealScript, and then output its name in Kismet? Like I showed you how to do with the player?
Yes Thats exactly It.
I haven’t tested it, but I think this is how I would do it.
class SeqAction_GetBotName extends SequenceAction;
var Pawn Bot;
var string BotName;
event Activated()
if(AIController(Bot.Controller) != none)
BotName = AIController(Bot.Controller).PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName;
ObjName="Get Bot Name"
ObjCategory="MyGame Actions"
The check to see whether it’s an AIController is not entirely necessary, as PlayerReplicationInfo is apparently in Controller, which is a parent class of AIController. So if you wanted to, you could easily turn this into a generic “get name” that would work for both human players and bots.
You are really good at this man I mean your skills. You been doing this for a long time I can Tell. Nice work. You did It so Quickly As well I noticed. Impressive work bro.