There was some sort of first person stealth game that Epic showed off in a ‘community spotlight’ in a really early twitch broadcast. It was really dark and featured loads of cool powers.
I’ve been trying to find it for ages and have looked through all the twitch broadcasts they’ve made but I cant find it?
Does anyone know what it was called or at least which twitch stream it was in?
Swing Ninja?
Haha, no.
Hi WarLord,
Are you talking about “Run”?
Unfortunately not, however I have been wondering what that game was called as well
But no, the game I’m talking about was first person
Hi, not sure if is right, but could you be talking about ‘Stowaway’ ?
I think i remember seeing it in the live stream some time ago.
here is their green-light page.
You could also try watching the first few minutes of the livestreams, if you know roughly how long ago it was shown it should be relatively easy to find. Just skip through and watch the demos (usually just the first 10 mins). Here is the playlist:
Unfortunately that Stow away game is also not it, but it does look cool though.
Thankyou for answering but as I said in the thread description, I have already done that.