Hi there I am Having Trouble with my mouse Positioning as I Try to Put the Bool on the Boolean It Comes Up with An cross saying It doesnt recognise It so I need to Know What the Boolean name for the Mouse Positioning. Any Information would be appreciated thank you
Hold on I will check my campaign kismets and i will see if I find a boolean assign. : d
Thank you Bro I Check It Out. Also do you Know by any chance If you can Use Kismet to get the Player Name.
Yes absolutely you can!
Hint: You can acces the worldInfo.GameInfo from kismet so you can do a GetALocalPlayerController().GetControllerPawn().GetYourGameName();…
Please show me how to do It. I am new to This Type of thing. Please.
What exactly buddy? : P be more descriptive. Images… etc
Hey there @Mjklimn38 here’s the problem: When you have a red X on a named variable, that’s Kismet telling you that it can’t find a variable with that name.
Here I placed a named variable, entered an expected type of SeqVar_Bool and var name of MousePosition. As you can see, Kismet cannot find a bool named MousePosition.
The reason why Kismet can’t find a bool named MousePosition is because it doesn’t exist. I haven’t made a variable with that name.
What I have to do is create a variable called MousePosition.
Here I made a bool variable and gave it a var name of MousePosition. When I did that, the other named variable was able to find it.
If you want to use a named variable with the var name of MousePosition, go ahead. You just need to create it.
Oh my goodness Thank you so much I really appericate It. Thank You so much I needed This. â– â– â– â– You guys are good man really good.
If you ever want to do something in Kismet, and there doesn’t seem to be an action that does what you want to do, then you need to make your own Kismet action.
class SeqAction_GetPlayerName extends SequenceAction;
var string PlayerName;
event Activated()
PlayerName = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().GetALocalPlayerController().PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName;
ObjName="Get Player Name"
ObjCategory="MyGame Actions"
Here I made a Kismet action that gets the player’s name and sends it to a string variable.
Then I rebuild my scripts and open the editor. In Kismet, I can place my new action:
Then when I play my game, I can see the player name output to the screen:
Wow you read my mind Didnt you. Hehe nice work Well done. Thanks for Your Help Oh and In case you want an assets For Your Project I am Uploading them i try to get them as quick as possible. Its my way of saying thank you.
Sorry for Late Reply and Upload. I did what I could anyways Here’s the Link If you need It.