Does anyone know how to get more usable velocity float values from the cubes in the FPS template?


Does anyone know how to get more usable velocity float values from the cubes in the FPS template?

I am using the velocity to modulate an audio event parameter in FMOD, and I seem to have either 1, or minuscule values - like 0.005353443 etc. Any tips on how to get this working smoothly?

The goal here is to create believable impact audio as the cubes either impact with the surrounding environment, or with the projectile/player. I get a small amount of stuttering with the audio and I think a lot of this is to do with the jumpy and awkward values. Any tips and tricks on making more seamless audio with these kinds of things is much appreciated.

P.s I’ve messed with a lot of the usual stuff - event cool down, max instances, seek speed, automating volume etc - I guess I’m looking for more advanced tips!

Thanks for your help

How you get velocity ?are you using getlinearvelocity() and getangularveloctiy() ?