Hi everyone i really need help using UDK in Canvas As Unfortunately The canvas only works in UTgame but when i try it in other game types it doesnt work and I really need help on this one. Any help would be Appreciated thank you.
That has probably something to do with your HUD class, you did not assign it to a correct HUD class, does it even log? tell us your context.
Like what HUD class do you have ? Do you even made a new HUD class? :?
Tell us what you’re trying to do and tell us what you’ve already done and tell us what problem you’re running into. The canvas class works just fine in UDK.
I am trying to create a User Interface for my environment something Like this. Something like text or image rendering would be nice.
How do you do that?
Do you know where to go to in these files
I myself created my own button class and we’ll like a universal all in one button class that can act as scrolling list, and text and other stuff…
I guess you could do the same I have no idea if there is premade buttons in canvas HUD…
Basically flash buttons were a pain to skin and such…
The best approach would be to use Flash or Animate. If you don’t want to use Flash for whatever reason, you can draw those elements onto HUD in UnrealScript. In your HUD’s PostRender, use Canvas.SetPos and Canvas.DrawTexture to draw the various elements to the screen.
If you want to use canvas and not flash, than I highly recommend you use this modified version of canvas by hourences.
It expands from the one that you are using and is generally better from what I remember.
Okay I see what happens thank you. If i get any errors I will come back here to let you know.
I have this issue with compling its says that the classes are not found. Btw i put these in UDK/Development/Src/Engine
Btw i put these in UDK/Development/Src/Engine
What did you put in Development\Src\Engine? You should never put anything in there. If you make a new project and you want to add code to it, make a new folder and put your code in there.
The files SimpleGame.uc and SimplePC.uc came with UDK. They should be in Development\Src\UDKBase\Classes. MobilePlayerInput.uc should be in Development\Src\GameFramework\Classes.
If a source code file came with UDK, don’t erase it, don’t move it, don’t edit it, don’t touch it.
Did you make any changes to UDKEngine.ini? That could have messed things up too.
I Put it In the right place this time everything works except simpleEXTController can you tell me what the problem is. Also to answer your question from before no I did not modify UDKEngine.ini.
If a child class has the same function (or event) as the parent class, then the parameters for that function (or event) have to be the same.
That error means that SimpleExtHUDPlayerController.ClientStopCameraAnim has different parameters from the parent class ClientStopCameraAnim. You need to make them the same.
Hey man I just wanted to say thanks for your help. I really appericate it a lot.
I mean it I spent Hours on trying to fix this problem and was frustrated. Now i finally fixed it.