notification when you have completed the quest? It is like a widget display, so there is no need to press anything to activate the quest log; it is already on the screen."
thank you in advance guys
For prototype (until you get better quest system). You should use GamePlayTags.
for eg.
- quests.main_story.rat_killing.01.quest_giver
- quests.main_story.rat_killing.02.going_to_Cellar
- quests.main_story.rat_killing.03.killing_rats
- quests.main_story.rat_killing.04.return_to_quest_giver
game play tags will make kind of tree, they automatically stored in ini file. And they have some very nice blueprint nodes, tag containers etc.
So put quests (with quest stage tags) in container in player controller.
Then make custom widgets:
- create event dispatcher that tells “quests are updated”
- all quest widgets hook to it
- now when that dispatcher if fired quest widget checks tag container if it contains its quest: “quests.main_story.rat_killing”, if so make widget visible, if it does not collapse widget
- next step if it contains matching quest, compare stages: “quests.main_story.rat_killing.01”, either again collapse, and display only current stage widget, or make checkmark for matching stage, dime for all other etc.
- at beginning use gameplay tags to display quest names on widgets. When it all works use either data tables, data assets or CSV (coma separated variables) file to keep long quest names (or C++ and json)
I done similar system for options screen, so all i do is place custom widgets, then change their gameplay tags to option they need to handle. No more headaches with communication or coding same thing 50 times. Every possible option to display + input is in single widget.
those numbers ( “03” ) help with sorting gameplay tags, without that number they will be sorted alphabetically not by stage.
- quests.main_story.rat_killing.03.killing_rats
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