Does any one know why Skeleton wont save?

So I have to try to fix my character so that I can fit into the animation im using. It has this one issue that the arm is not aligned with the hand when aiming. So I went into the skeleton to fix it and when I do it wnt save the changes.

Fix the animation. Open it, goto Frame 1, pose your Character, add a KeyFrame to the Bones you’ve modified, apply Changes, Save → done. It adds your Modification as Tracks you can alter or enable/disable at any time in the animation editor.

Hey, I have a similar issue. I’ve retargeted, opened my messed up Anim Sequence, gone to frame 1, fixed the bone rotations for the skeleton so it’s right… but I can’t figure out how to add a keyframe for the Bones. I just see the Notifies / Curves tracks.

I’ve been clicking around the bones and where I would add a Notify keyframe to see if I can add the bone, but no luck. If you could help point me in the direction of how to access the bones in the animation editor it would be huge. I keep reading your response and trying to walk through it but I’m definitely missing something!

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If anyone encounters the same problem, I went into the Anim BP and added some Transform Bone nodes. Using “Component Space” helped. This is kind of what it looked like. Hope it helps.

I wasn’t able to figure out how to save bone changes as a notify or keyframe anywhere.