Does a Save game become invalid after upgrade?

I have been saving game data (building structures) in named save game files. Later I then individually load those save files back. This was fully working, however, recently it stopped working but I can’t work out why. Some things I changed recently:

  • The specific path the the load\save blueprint has changed
  • I have upgraded from 5.3.2 to 5.4.1

Alternatively, perhaps I should not be using save game to save game data. What I’m doing is using my game building system to build structures out of buildparts (think rust), then I have the whole structure out. This is done in a special level. Later in the actual game I load the ‘building’ save game file to use for enemy bases.

I only do it like this as I can’t find any WriteFile or serialization blueprint nodes. Is there a better way?

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In the meantime I’m going to stop being a baby and just look in to adding a c++ class. I can program in c++, but just have no idea how integration works. I know how to serialize data I was just trying to stick to BP because I didn’t want my old c++ habits to take over.

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