Documentation page(s) feedback,

For example this:

Option, to display everything on one page would be quite useful, to say at least.

Ok then we get here:

And the only links are Previous Step, Quick Start Home, Next Step.

What would really useful is to have menu on right/left side, with links to all pages, concerning current topic (in this case quick start guide to Behaviour trees).

I’ve seen this replicated on virtually all quick start guides, and it honestly makes things harder to fallow than it should be.

Yea I would also like to have a small menu on the left side.

We are working on adding a full navigation sidebar to the documentation which I’m pretty sure will solve this issue:



Regarding having the entire guide on one page, we are very interested in feedback on things like this. What makes it difficult to follow with it broken up into logical sections? What do you feel like you gain from having all of that on a single page?

Less clicking (;, and less waiting for page load. And it honestly feels distracting, when you have to wait to load for another page.
It’s also slower to jump between various sections of documentation, when I know I have screwed something up, and i want to get quick look at relevant section.

What would be really cool though, is to have entire this thing on single page, and then:

  1. Provide jump links to section in floating menu.
  2. The bars as they are now, but instead of them linking to other page, let them unfold sections, of document on the same page.
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