Documentation on 'touch 1', 'touch 2'?

Does anyone know where the documentation for UE4 that explains the difference between ‘Touch 1’, ‘Touch 2’…3,4,5… and so on?



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It’s to do with how many fingers are touching the screen.

The axis mapping will give you the position that the finger touched where 0,0 is top left and x,y is bottom right.

Hope that’s helpful

What does it have to do with how many fingers are touching?
Is 1 = 1 and 10 = 10 fingers?

You just said it has to do with how many fingers but didn’t explain what :frowning:

Trying to create a swipe motion input to move the camera in puzzle example project…

Yes. If you are touching with 1 finger, it will be 1. If you are touching with 5 fingers, it will be 5. It’s limited to 10 because of this reason.