Documentation link broken about Bevahior Trees

Hi, I just would like to inform that the link “13. Further Reading” link currently goes to “11. Make a Decorator”

Just visit the link to see it:


Hi ShadowFox,

This has been fixed and will be functional within the next few days.

Thank you for the feedback.

4 days and still not functional :(, any estimates? Thanks.

Hi Soul Sharer,

Generally we publish updates to documentation once a week, however, last week there was a last minute delay. We estimate an update including the Behavior Tree Tutorial fixes to be published by late Wednesday/early Thursday -but this could be as late as late Friday/early Saturday (-That is, barring any further unforeseen issues.)


Hi. It’s been 9 days and 13 still points to 11 and 12 points to 10. Any updates on that?

The fix has just recently been published. If you are still experiencing an issue with the documentation, try refreshing your browser. -Thanks.

Yep, everything is working, thanks for the fix :).

Perfect. Thank you very much.