Documentation is slow

Documentation takes a very long time to load.
eg. Opening any non-cached page such as when 5.4 came out takes several seconds.
I am on ethernet with gigabit internet, 128 gb ram 3200 MHz, AMD Ryzen Threadripper Pro 3975WX [32-cores base 3.5GHz, turbo 4.2 GHz].
I know this seems minor, but continuous navigation through documentation becomes painstaking when every page takes this long.

Where things are really weird is with a deleted cache the actor page for 4.27 docs uses over 500 MB but loads way faster than the 5.4 doc which only uses 118 MB.
This is a ton of data for either of these (the html for 4.27 uses 1.2 MB, and 5.4 uses 0.8 MB)

I recognize that these pages probably have a lot going on under the hood. As a user I don’t care though. When I switch over to a wikipedia and the content loads instantly for what seems like way bigger pages it by comparison makes Unreal’s website feel broken.

Now It’s going well…

It’s still slow. Some pages load fast. But any decent sized page takes a while

It has be another problem, it loads fine for me. Try using another broswer like Edge.

What is really compounding this issue is the poor navigation and searchability.
eg. searching UProceduralMesh yields zero results. but UProceduralMeshComponent produces three where none of them are actually the procedural mesh component page. The top result which is UDynamicMeshComponent happens to have a link to UProceduralMeshComponent.
Epic has always had poor search results so it’s not that big of a deal on it’s own.
Googling “unreal engine <thing_to_search_for>” would often yield the proper documentation page instantly and in the top few results. Now it seems that the results no longer come up on google (probably due to url change from to

putting UProceduralMeshComponent site: into google seems to give a decent result.

Honestly this would probably alleviate all of my issues with the new documentation.

Other websites seem load fine in this browser and I am not too keen on having to switch browsers depending on the website.
waiting a few seconds per page isn’t the end of the world just an annoyance. I found a workaround though so it’s not a big deal (including site: to my google search) .