Documentation for Unreal Engine 5.3 version not found

Hi, I have trouble accessing the documentation for version 5.3.

Whenever I go to the documentation pages from engine version 5.3.2 I get the following message:

" * Error loading documents tree: Couldn’t find application for type unreal_engine and version 5.3"

After some refreshing the documentation page opens for version 5.2. but the dropdown menu only has versions 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 to select from and version 5.3. is nowhere to be seen.

Please help, I would like to use the latest engine version but I am quite new to developing with the engine so having access to up-to-date documentation would be helpful.

Can you post it link ? , it might be related to the new website design. But 5.2 should be fine (well might depend on which specific theme)

Hey there @KnightGoblin8! Welcome to the community! Some documentation pages seem to have had issues with the recent update. If possible, could we have a link to affected pages of the reported error?