This plugin exists in ue4 for a long time, but still 0 working examples, 0 docs. Absolutely no idea how to use it. And what it does.
Agreed…Patching is important part of development, but no clue how to do it right…
any news or examples?)
Thanks for reporting this issue! I will pass this along to the appropriate contact here at Epic Games.
Do you have any news on it ??
I would appreciate proper docs for this as well.
Hey folks! I just wanted to bump this thread with an update. We’re still working on updates to the HTTP Chunk Installer plugin documentation. We’re sorry it’s taken a little longer then we expected, but it’s still on our radar. Thanks for hanging in there and I hope to have another update soon.
I wanted to follow up with another bump, I see that a sample project has been released along with a stream for the “patcher-Live demo” which utilizes the “Chunk Downloader” and “Launcher Chunker Installer” plugins, however they do not use the “HTTP Chunk Installer”. Is there any update as to when we will be able to get docs on the HTTP Chunk Installer?
Hi KKochiss, I will pass this on. I will request that the existing documentation be updated to explicitly include the HTTP Chunk Installer.
UPDATE: I spoke to the area owner about this, and his response was as follows:
“We no longer recommend HTTPChunkInstaller. Refer users to the ChunkDownloader plugin in 4.26 instead.” You can find the Chunk Downloader documentation here:
Thank you for the update, much appreciated!