Docs on blend profile?

Is there any documentation or tutorials on how to use the blend profiles? I kinda understand that it should scale blend speed per bone, but when I put values in there I cannot see any results.


I want to know this too

I’d also be interested, if any one has more info on how to use this.


the doc is not very clear but with some testing you will easily understand.

You can add your blend profile in the transition details of a state machine. The blend factor for each bone will be multiplied by the value during the transition. So for instance if you put a weight of 1000, you will instantly transition in your next state. Putting values below 1 makes my engine crash or some artefacts, so I would advise to keep it above.

I hope this can help, I don’t think there is much more to it but now you can have some nice transitions between upper and lower body :slight_smile:


That’s super strange I have looked everywhere and this is the only mention of it on the internet other then the vague description they give in the documentation

Say how do you even make a blend profile?? I can’t find any information on it anywhere, is this some kind of Insider Secret or something?