Docs for Blueprint structs like HitResult

There are several structs available to Blueprints: such as HitResult
When using the “Break Hit Result” node, it shows outputs:
Location, Normal, Impact Point, Impact Normal, Phys Mat, Hit Actor, Hit Component, and Hit Bone Name

However, I am unable to locate the docs for these BluePrint Structs that includes useful info for this data.
For example when searching for “HitResult” I can’t find anything with the keywords: HitResult Location, Normal, Impact Point.

I was hoping that there might be a Blueprint specific document link that discusses each of the structs and their component variables.

Are there any docs organized in this manner?

First you need to understand that most blueprint elements are just exposed UE4 C++ APIs. There for you can find documentation to all blueprint nodes (except one made out of K2_Node class mainly flow nodes) in UE4 API refrence. Refrence has all elements exposed to blueprint with marked blue file icon.