I can’t seem to be able to dock the level blueprint where I want. I would love to have it under my viewport(next to Content Browser) but it doesn’t work.
I have it floating always in front, or I need to hide the main editor to have it fullscreen.
Is there a way? Am I missing something?
Short answer: No.
There only way to dock the blueprint editor is as a “main tab”; along the top of the window.
Each Editor has a set of “sub-windows” which you can arrange to your hearts content, however you can’t mix and mingle two different editors’ sub-windows. (EG: I can’t dock the “Details” sub-window from the blueprint editor onto the main engine editor).
Exceptions include any items under “Window”, these appear to be dockable inside almost anything.
Thanks for the answer and the details! Makes sense now.
Not a problem! and glad it helped.