Just decided that I might as well jump into the C++ boat for UE4 dev.
However, can it really be the case that there are no auto-completion for all the U-stuff (UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION and all their parameters) in Visual Studio? (I use VS2013 Ultimate on windows 8).
I cannot imagine anyone who’s willing to type all this over and over and over again… I must be missing something.
In 4.7p7-ish Engine source was auto added for C++/Intellisense to your projects. If thats what youre asking. Before source had to be downloaded from Github, and manually added.
This works for me using Visual Assist. Probably add that within the class declaration so it’s scope is limited and anyone who includes your header isn’t forced to use it as well.
As the docs say, this just exposes enum values from ObjectBase.h for the autocompletion.