Do you ever hear back from the Monthly Sponsored Program?

I’ve spent the past six months applying for the Monthly Sponsored Program and I haven’t even gotten a rejection email.
I realize of submission might be coming in. But I also its weird how quiet it is.

I’m not demanding I be made a monthly feature on the Free Content section.
However, it would be great somekind of communication.
I don’t know if its something internal thats changed, but communication from Marketplace staff has pretty uninviting in the past year.
I feel like I’m talking to machines now when before I was talking withe people that appreciated the work being done.

Thats a little off topic, but I thought it was worth adding. But again, how does this process usually work? If you’ve ever been part of the sponsor program I’d love to hear your experience.
As I’d very much would like to take part in the program.

I’ve been a seller since 2019 and making consistent content since 2021 and never applied for it until this year.
Been applying every other week since January.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate any insight.