What do UE4 developers use Notepad++ for? everybody loves Notepad++, but I can’t seem to find any use for it. Somebody please enlighten me.
I use it as a… notepad.
Files don’t have to be saved, so I just paste a lot of stuff in it, close and forget. When I open it again the temp files are still there :3
But for programming, err no thanks.
I use it a lot for looking through code. Takes 0.002 seconds to load, rather than waiting around on slow-■■■ VS. The nice thing about it is that it auto colors C++ code and makes it a lot easier to look at.
We all love and use Notepad++, its a handy util…but I’d use it for what’s best suited to do…editing plain text files XD
its definitely a programmers tool, as it is loaded with support for many programming languages, and even offers users the ability to define their own language. but all of this is aesthetic, there is no actual compiler, their is no way to actually test your code, all it does is allow to make your code look pretty. One can use the plugin manager to hook up a real IDE like Dev-C++, but what then is the point of Notepad++, most of its time saver tools appear to already be available in Visual Studio Community.
Are their any tools in Notepad++ the UE4 developers benefit from? Would like to know.
It’s great for looking through code quickly, but I rather use VSCode to code any c++.
There is nothing that can trump VS Code for me: https://code.visualstudio.com/
I just love it, it’s well-maintained, and the community maintains wonderful extensions for it.
@mittense , your game looks really fun.
i love you so much right now.
I primarily use it for things like sifting through log and config files / directories.
@ambershee, couldn’t you just do that in visual studio?
I use Sublime because it’s fully equip with C++ syntax instead of browsing on internet and making my programming comfortable for
I use it to search the UE4 source hierarchy. Sometimes I might know the name of a class but have no clue where in the source tree the header and class files reside. I find using Notepad++ for that sort of thing much faster and simpler than doing the same in visual studio.
Notepad++ is considerably more lightweight, is considerably faster, and less overkill for the job. It also has a way, way better interface.
Agree with you ambershee. Also the loading lime is also less.
Or you could install visual assist, and suddenly such things are done instantly by pressing alt-shift-s and starting to type the name of a symbol. It’s far more efficient and gives better results than searching text in all files.
Lightweight editors have their uses for things like searching through logs and other non-code stuff, but that’s about it…
I think EM Editor 64 bit is the best and fastest
To be fair, as much as I love VAX, it isn’t free - so for a non-programmer using source only as reference it’s a heavy investment.
I am using Notepad++ for shader work.
@Deathrey how does notepad++ aid your workflow when doing shader work?