Do the units make sense now?

I was watching Zak’s level design tutorial, and he refers to 300 units as being equivalent to 3 meters. Does this mean that we have real-world units now? :smiley: (1 UU = 1 cm)

Yep, now 1 UU = 1 cm -> I think I read it somewhere: 1 scale - 1 uu - 1 cm

Awesome, they fixed ALL the problems from UE4! :smiley: That’s really handy.

Hey, do they use degrees for rotation now as well? (Sorry I can’t check for myself, I haven’t got the engine yet :))

They use degrees for the rotation

Thanks :slight_smile: I am overwhelmed by the… epicness :wink: of this new engine.

Especially the blueprints are amazing :smiley:

Can’t wait to try it all, just need to get my credit card figured out… :slight_smile:

On top of that we are also going over all our content and rescaling it so it is all consistent. That means the assets from shooter game are the same scale as the ones from strategy game and such. The goal is for all assets to be plug and play in anything we give out.

PITA for the people working on it as we also changed the grid to be power of 10 instead of 2, but well worth it in the end :slight_smile:

Ah, interesting. Good to know, I was wondering why Zak wasn’t using powers of two in his dimensions, he is usually so insistent about that :slight_smile:

*Cough Autodesk take note *cough

Over here: ://www.reddit/r/udk/comments/2050ts/it_doesnt_seem_possible_to_easily_create_life/cfzzjmj someone that seems to be from Epic said 1 unit == 1 inch…

*We have “rescaled” unreal to be 1 unit == 1 inch. Meters or CM can be nicer, but Unreal has some issues when you get to really small values. (CM can be too small, resulting in weird vertex collapse issues. Meters just won’t work well at all - strongly recommend going CM if you have to do metric).
Who knows the right answer?

I was going from this: ://

Anybody know for sure?


1unit == 1 cm

Not sure what that other guy was smoking, but I want some :slight_smile:

Hi, , you can change to power of 2 in editor settings. Old school Rules!!!

Okay, here’s our answer, straight from the devs :slight_smile: Thanks Nick!

Yep, Nick has the right of it. Also, set up your modeling app to use CM and it’ll all just flow perfectly.

I used to have this complicated setup where I would automatically scale the object by 50x when I exported it, so it would work. Gone are those days :smiley:

Powers of 2 FTW. Thank you so much for mentioning this! :smiley:

In UE4 you can actually change the world unit conversion to whatever you like

Open the **World Settings **panel and go to the World Settings tab, here you can adjust the UU to M for the world