The Stat for WriteLeaderboard only works up 'till 10?
Or can I set it to 100?
Like “get 100 kills” stat is 0-100 so when it reaches 100 it unlocks that achievement?
The Stat for WriteLeaderboard only works up 'till 10?
Or can I set it to 100?
Like “get 100 kills” stat is 0-100 so when it reaches 100 it unlocks that achievement?
Oh no, my Stats have default values (0)
And for my achievements, I add a Stat then I set the range there, for each achievement. I have some set 0-100
But I did read on forums that there was a bug: people were setting ranges way above 0-10, like 0-100 or 0-1000 or 0-1337 and it was stopping at 10.
Have you tested that it works above values of 10?
Also strangely enough, I read that you have to double up the Stat name like you have nb_games, but I read it only works with nb_games_nb_games
or toast_toast instead of just “toast”
Have these been fixed? lol
I just don’t want to not follow the proper procedure, i.e. limit mine to 10 or not double up my Stat names and find it doesn’t work lol
In your Steamworks interface, you can set a max value for each stat:
I guess yours is set to 10
Keep in mind that if you call the WriteLeaderboard node, it will actually add your value to the original value. This isn’t a “set”, this is a “add”.
I don’t know if there is a bug, I haven’t tested this behaviour yet.
About the double name part, I actually fixed the problem in the source code, by following this tutorial. But I’m working on 4.13, so I don’t know about 4.16.
I tried to set stats in my own project, and it does exceed 10. You can even exceed 100 (don’t know the limit, though).
So glad!
Do you think it’ll work out of the box? Or is it only because you edited the source code?
I can confirm in 4.16 the code uses %s_%s
But I’m not doing the fix, I’m just leaving as is
Does editing the code do anything besides change %s_%s to %s?
It’ll work out of the box I think.
And editing the code also solves the “add/set” thing, but honestly it’s not a big deal, you don’t need it.