Do multiple things on Event Begin Play?

I’m new to this, but I followed the tutorial for the room from here:

I also wanted to add a toy text that appears when I walk into a target box. I figured I would say that on Event Begin Play, set actor hidden in game to be this text. I can’t seem to add multiple versions of this event to my level blueprint. Can anyone explain to me how this might be done?

In the specifics of my question though, can anyone give me an idea of how it might be easiest to make something hidden become unhidden when the player walks into a target?

Instead of Event Begin Play you can have OnComponentBeginOverlap and EndOverlap, but for your scene you just want it too trigger the text on. Connect them too your Toggle Visibility. Just like the very basic light setup really.

According to this: Events | Unreal Engine Documentation

“Each event can only execute a single object. If you want to trigger multiple actions from one event, you’ll need to string them together linearly.”

I wonder why this is and if that will change eventually allowing more actions to be performed at once.

You can also use a Sequence node(under Flow Control) to fire an event to multiple actions.


That indeed works. Thanks

The reason for only allowing one event to fire now is because in UE3 Kismet where you could connect dozens of things to the same events people often ran into sync issues. One arm would be slightly behind on the other arm, would cause bugs, and would then confuse people as to why it didn’t work. So the single execution principle is more a form of safeguard system to enforce proper organization if you wish.

Also S I believe is the shortcut to Sequence (if the public build still has that shortcut).

The main reason for only allowing the event to occur once per object is guaranteed execution order. If you have multiple events you can’t know which one will execute first and that can often get you in to hard to debug behaviours, so placing the event once and then connecting behaviours or using the sequence node allows you to know for certain what order they will execute in.

The reason for only allowing one event to fire now is because in UE3 Kismet where you could connect dozens of things to the same events people often ran into sync issues. One arm would be slightly behind on the other arm, would cause bugs, and would then confuse people as to why it didn’t work. So the single execution principle is more a form of safeguard system to enforce proper organization if you wish.

Also S I believe is the shortcut to Sequence (if the public build still has that shortcut).

But that means you won’t be able to run the Blueprints asynchronously, which is a bad thing. There should at least be an option to do async if you know what you’re doing.

This is about the various signals within a BP. Running multiple BP scripts next to each other is async anyway.

If you want to run multiple signals within a BP from the same event, async, you just branch it out using a sequence and then add a slightly delay to one of the arms.

I used the Sequence node, works for the new starter map when going through the blueprint tutorials; there is already an event begin play node, and everytime I tried to add another one, it would focus on that node. I then tried to duplicate that node, but it would not fire off; finally I used the sequence node, linked Then 0 to the first even and Then 1 to my event (light toggle) and it worked accordingly.

The Sequence node allows for a single execution pulse to trigger a series of events in order. The node may have any number of outputs, all of which get called as soon as the Sequence node receives an input. They will always get called in order, but without any delay. To a typical user, the outputs will likely appear to have been triggered simultaneously.

In this example, the sequence node is called at the beginning of the level. It then fires off 5 Print String nodes in order. However, without a meaningful delay, it will seem as if the messages appear at almost the same time as one another.

Maybe this help you, gl...

Good luck,…

Thank you so much! Had a hard time dealing with multple sliding doors in the same room-tutorial.

But is it so that this eventBeginPlay must be shared for all objects in the entire level; every door, every window and so forth that I want to make movable?

It worked perfectly you are epic!

Thanks it works :slight_smile:

Can I do this when creating a widget and using an input to open the widget? I’m building my inventory system and the tut I followed used begin play but my begin play is already connected to a system I didn’t want to clutter it up.

Thank you that helped alot, so simple yet so complicated.