Do I need to create a new material and parameter for each new DMX object?

I have a question, I have a blueprint child of an object that has a material that changes according to the inputs via dmx, do I need to create a new material and a parameter function every time I want another object changing color independently?

So if I want 40 objects with color change, do I have to create 40 materials with Collection Param?

Would it be 40 materials + 40 collection param = 80 things I need to create?

Isn’t there a way to reuse the material and collection param ?

Parent Material → Material Instance

  • Have the parent material use Parameters
  • In the Actor Class create a Dynamic Material Instance in construct. Promote the return to a variable…DMI
  • Using the DMI reference change the parameters as needed.
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But, i still need collections param for each actor correct?

No. Each actor has a DMI. So you’d reference the actor specifically, then get its DMI → make change.

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Thank you