Do I need to Cast more than once?

Hi everyone. I’m still kinda green at working with blueprints so I’m looking for some guidance that I’m doing things right. I’m currently in the process of merging two different kits, The MMO Starter Kit by CodeSpartan, and the Character System by Adam Wolf. Both kits have their own way of storing the character’s name and health, so I went through all of the MMOSK blueprints and rewired every reference to name and HP to use the Character System instead of the internal variables. The part that has me concerned is here:

This is the part that saves the character data off to a remote server. Do I need to cast to the Character System before every Get Stat function call, or is this approach correct?

No, you can just set a variable to the return node of “As Character System”, and then use that variable for the target each time instead of re-casting.

Does the return node of “As Character System” reset after the next function call, or is it okay to run lines like this?

It should be ok.