Do I need an agreement with NVIDIA (since I use Unreal and Unreal includes NVIDIA SDKs)

Big thanks again dorusoftware for your reply.
You can be very right that I make it a little too complex :wink:

I found several other people asking a similar type question.
There was one discussion between a user and lawyer from Epic, which was interesting.

To summarize, Basically the discussion was that you need to:

  1. add some extra language to your EULA or Credits to cover requirements from 3rd party licenses

but just like you mentioned there does not seem to be a need to make a agreement with NVIDIA for example (since this is covered with the agreement Epic/NVIDIA has)

The Lawyer also pointed to “shipping checklist” available at:
Release and Royalty Tracking Guidelines - Unreal Engine

Which said a following related to 3rd party software
“If your product uses any third-party software, review the respective license agreements and provide notice to your end users if required.”